Polishing is a process that allows us to finish previously coated articles, until they reach an optimal level of perfection. It is carried out in a dedicated laboratory, created ad hoc and kept in a constant situation of order and cleanliness, so that nothing can contaminate the treated articles.

A laboratory entirely dedicated to polishing and finishing the most delicate articles allows us to achieve a quality rate that is no less than perfect.


A final level of treatment, following coating, resulting in an aesthetic improvement and further quality control for the most delicate and valuable articles.

lucidatura laboratorio zoccarato automotive
lucidatura a mano automotive Zoccarato Industrial Coatings

We are also able to treat articles of great value and prestige, which can be in the automotive or luxury goods sector, where a highly refined surface treatment is required.


For this reason, our dedicated polishing laboratory is one of the most important complementary processes we can provide.